Friday, December 12

Annual Vanua Balavu Xmas Trip

Every year a couple of days before Christmas, their is usually a special direct trip to Vanua Balavu.

This trip is looked forward to by those of us who reside & work outside of our villages. It's a getaway like no other - a time to just relax and visit family. Aside from the preparations for Christmas Day proper, their is the usual visiting or "veisiko" business to other relatives where our bloodlines have gone into other villages. It's quite an exciting time for those of us that have been brought up outside of the fijian village set up.

Village life is most fascinating! People in a village can be grouped into different categories- the hard workers, the lazy, the story tellers (both good & gossipers) and the most famed grog swipers.

I've had the privilege of visiting my village nearly every Christmas for the past 7 or 8 years. The experience has been so uplifting, encouraging and has taught me to appreciate everything that life has to offer.

Due to work commitments, i cannot make this famous trip this year.

I hope this Christmas Season brings you JOY, PEACE, PROSPERITY & A NEW SENSE OF APPRECIATION FOR LIFE as it always does me.

Appreciate the Birth of Christ this season by GIVING to an unfortunate family member or friend! God Bless and Stay Safe from us at Unique Events.

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