Friday, March 27

The island hopping tradeshow for the Northern Lau Group of Islands is proving to be a big Hit!

Unique Events would like to thank Blue Lagoon Cruises for providing us with an excellent vessel to make this event a great one.

At present we have only 5 cabins left and 5 beds for services providers or additional company representatives.

We'd also like to thank the following companies for their positive outlook on potential in the Northern Lau Group:

Fiji TV, Sky Pacific & Compaq - Sky Pacific, radio telephones & PA systems for church's
South Pacific Productions - scouting for events & television series/movie locations
RC Manubhai - hardware products
Telecom & Vodafone - telecommunications
Asco Motors - marine & auto products..also includes free servicing at each sales venue
Colonial - banking services..opening of bank accounts etc
Coconut Industry Development Authority - copra related issues
CJ Patel/Colgate/Foods Pacific - Household essentials & foods

We will keep you posted on all developments.

God Bless.


Anonymous said...

I am so impressed with your efforts in pursuing the full realisation of your dream company in the form of 'Unique Events".

May your events remain unique and truly an out-of-this-world experience.

Carpe Diem, Atelaite!!

(Latin for "seize the day" or "Make the most of the opportunity".)


Anonymous said...

Vinaka Vakalevu a vakadrakai ina vakasam vinaka ko sa tauyavutakina qo.

dua na kerekere, ke dua talega me vala va qo kina yasayasa moala grp.

naibuka tuitaru

Atelaite Cama said...

Bula Vinaka to Raj & my Turaga Tau from Yasayasa...

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! It is much appreciated.

Turaga Tau: At the end of this Northern Lau Mobile Exhibition, we will be announcing the dates for our Yasayasa Moala island hopping trade show. It would be the ideal time to let our participants know that we are also going to Yasayasa Moala (around late August) and then on to Southern Lau (around late November). We still need to iron out some details for Yasayasa before we commit to dates as we'd love everyone to be there to enjoy goods & services at urban centre prices.

Vinaka again to you both. May God Bless you both abundantly as he has me..lolomas, atelaite..

Anonymous said...

Vinaka valevu Atelaite
Can you clarify which mobile phone company is doing this promotion